관사에 관련해서 한 번 하긴 했지만..
관사를 조금 더 체계적으로 가져와보았다. 순서대로 나열해보자.
a/an을 사용해야할 때
1. 처음 언급한 것
I saw an old man walking his dog.
2. Exclamation (감탄 할 때)
What a beautiful evening !
What an awesome dress !
3. 직업(profession)을 언급할 때
I am an engineer
I am a doctor
4. 기간의 단위를 나타날 때
I go to the gym three days in a week
The를 사용해야할 때
1. 두 번째 언급된 특정한 것 (repetitive 한 것)
I saw an old man walking his dog. The old man was wearing a red shirt and the dog was barking.
2. 뭔가를 요청할 때 딱 point로 집어서 얘기할 때 (requesting)
Can you please open the door ? '그' 문좀 열어줄래?
She is knocking at the door. (<- 상황 상 그 문을 두드리고 있어야 함.)
3. 1개만 존재하는 것
The earth revolves around the sun.
4. 특정한 장소를 갈 때
I'm going to the park.
I'm going to the market
I'm going to the theatre
I'm going to the bank
만약에 I'm going to bank 라고 해버리면, 은행에서 일하는 사람인 것임
5. 최상급 (super relative)
the tallest
★ 관사를 사용하면 안될 때 ★
1. 일반적인 의견을 말할 때 (genearlize the statements, opinion)
Love is more important than money .
2. 식사(Meal)을 얘기할 때
Let's have breakfast
Let's have lunch
Let's have dinner
(근데, 만약에 예전에 먹었던 그 점심이 좋았으면, The lunch was delicious)
3. date와 관련된 것
Let's meet on Tuseday
Let's meet next Tuseday
I met her last week
I'll see you in August
I'll se you next month
4.Work, school, home 은 관사 붙이지 않는다.
to / at / from work / school / home
I go to work,
I came from work
I go to school
I went back from school
I came home (전치사 X )
I went home (전치사 X)
* We will go to her home 이건 전치사 오는게 된다고 한다. (내 집 말고 다른 특정한 집)