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[비즈니스 영어] 회의에서 영어 중급자가 되기 위한 8가지 숙어 표현

by JHistory_ 2024. 5. 5.

예시를 보고 생각해보자


 A : I don't think changing our company's approach to recycling is a priority right now.

 B : I agree, but it could be something to consider _______.



 A : How did the marketing department react to your ideas? 

 B : I'd say reactions were mixed. Some people were positive, but not everyone ______ my suggestions.



 A : I'm not sure how to structure this presentation effectively.

 B : Okay, Well, do you want to __________ it together. 



 A : The latest sales figures were really disappointing. In all honesty, I don't know how the company can keep going.

 B : I know. It has ____ for me. there will definitely be layoffs this year.



 A : I don't think it's that easy to implement the changes Carlos mentioned.

 B : I know. It's one thing suggesting changes like that. It's another thing being able to __________



 A : Do you really think we need to change much of the company's environmental policy?

 B: Presonally, I don't think we nned to change anything.  We should just __________ the existing policy.



 A : I don't think the presentation was as bas as you say. You got the main message across, and most people seemed engaged. 

 B : Thanks ! You always manage to ________ things.



 A : I think we need more examples of how we can actually implement a new environmental policy.

 B : You're right. We need to ___ the point that people need to take action.



보기는 이겁니다.

1. to talk through

2. to hit home

3. to put sth into practice

4. to drive home (a point, a message)

5. to be on board with (sth)

6. to put a positive spin on (sth)

7. to stick with (sth/someone)

8. down the line


정답은 아래였습니다.


 A : I don't think changing our company's approach to recycling is a priority right now.

 B : I agree, but it could be something to consider down the line


재활용 정책은 우선순위가 아니라고 했고, 이에 동의 했으니 down the line이 맞다. 예전에 아래서 했던 put it on the backburner와 같은 표현이다. 후순위로 생각하자는 의미이다. 아래 링크에 backburner에 관련된 jargon이 있다. down the line은 밑으로 내린다는 의미이다. 사전적으로는 at a later point in time이라고 한다.


[비즈니스 영어] 유용한 비즈니스 용어(Jargon/lingo)를 배워보자

영미권 회사에서 엄청 자주쓰는 Jargon을 배워보자 ! 사실 나도 이제 처음 배워서 정리해보는 거라 약간은 old-fashioned일 수도 있다. 하지만, 일단 알아두면 좋을 듯 ! 저번 비즈니스 영어 시리즈와




 A : How did the marketing department react to your ideas? 

 B : I'd say reactions were mixed. Some people were positive, but not everyone was on board with my suggestions. 


 board 위에(on) 함께(with) 있다라는 것은 생각이나 행동을 같이 한다고 볼 수 있다. 그래서 be on board with은 agree를 의미한다. to support or agree with what people are doing. I'm totally on board with your opinion ! 이라고 회의 석상에서 말할 수도 있겠다.



 A : I'm not sure how to structure this presentation effectively.

 B : Okay, Well, do you want to talk through it together. 


 말을 통해서 니까 뭔가 이것에 대해 깊게 논해보는 것임. Let's talk through it toghter ! 



 A : The latest sales figures were really disappointing. In all honesty, I don't know how the company can keep going.

 B : I know. It has hit home for me. there will definitely be layoffs this year.


 뭔가 큰 영향을 미치게 되었음을 내포할 때 사용한다. 그 영향으로 인해 부정적인 감정이 들때만 사용한다. 이거랑 연계해서는 내가 그 포도 밭에서 들었는데~ (찌라시 들었는데~)와 연계할 수 있다. I heard it on the grapevine. It has him home for me. 이런식으로 가능하다.



[비즈니스 영어] 업무 미팅에서 알아두면 좋을 영어 숙어들

회사 생활에서 동료에게 한 마디 던지면 멋있어보일 것 같은 숙어들 다들 일상 영어보다는 한 단계 높은 느낌의 영어를 구사하고 싶어들 한다. 그럴 때 도움이 되는 어구들을 모아서 준비해보았





 A : I don't think it's that easy to implement the changes Carlos mentioned.

 B : I know. It's one thing suggesting changes like that. It's another thing being able to put it into practice. 


 이건 조금 직관적이다. 그래서 기억에 더 안 남는다. practice (실전, 실무)안에 넣다. 라고 생각하면 된다. to actually do or use something in real situation. 



 A : Do you really think we need to change much of the company's environmental policy?

 B: Presonally, I don't think we need to change anything.  We should just stick with the existing policy.


 이것도 직관적이다. stick with ! 



 A : I don't think the presentation was as bas as you say. You got the main message across, and most people seemed engaged. 

 B : Thanks ! You always manage to put a positive spin on things.


약간 한국말로 '비행기 태워주셔서 감사합니다~!'정도의 표현이라고 보면 되겠다. to make things sound good or better than they actually are 이 정의인데, 원래인 것보다 더 잘 보이게 끔 긍정적으로 포장한다고 보면 된다.



 A : I think we need more examples of how we can actually implement a new environmental policy.

 B : You're right. We need to drive home the point that people need to take action.


제일 이해하기가 어려운 숙어였다. 집으로 드라이브를 한다니.. to emphasize an idea, make an idea clearer or stronger이 정의 인데,  to drive home (a point, message)라고 알아야한다. 

1607년에 Samuel Hieron이 'The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms에 기재하면서 퍼졌다고 한다. 


ex) The network news programs drive home the fact that violence is part of urban life


* 예문 저작권 Red River Press Inc. 

